About John
John Pawloski
Shelter Coordinator
John is from Hazelwood, Missouri, and currently resides across the river in Illinois. He attended Washington University for his undergraduate studies, and St. Louis University for law school. John is an attorney and has practiced law in Missouri and Illinois since 1991. He has headed his own law firm with a downtown office since December 2003. John is a licensed pastor in the State of Illinois through the United Church of Christ, and he obtained his Masters of Divinity degree from Eden Theological Seminary in May 2018. It was through his studies at Eden that he was introduced to St. Louis Winter Outreach, the organization that facilities emergency warming shelters for the unhoused community in St. Louis. He started volunteering at the AmeriCorps St. Louis Winter Warming Shelter, and in 2017 when our Shelter Coordinator Kathleen retired, John stepped up to help run the shelter.
He has a son, Jack, who lives and works in St. Louis, as well. John’s interests are beekeeping and advocacy for the homeless.