As AmeriCorps Members begin their journey in service to the community, they take the pledge to Get Things Done. Through conservation efforts, wildland firefighting and emergency response, they improve vulnerable areas every step of the way and enhance the environment with each project they complete. Now we’re asking our AmeriCorps St. Louis community to take a pledge of support to amplify the impact. We invite you to give a gift now during our Meet The Need Annual Fund and then make a commitment to contribute in the future.


Where it’s needed most - Our promise to you is that we will use your gift to improve and enhance the communities we serve. This contribution stays local and enables us to maintain and increase our positive impact through our Members, projects, and programming.

Shelter & Outreach Services - Your gift can help address the immediate and long-term needs of those individuals experiencing homelessness. Your support provides a range of essential recovery supplies - food, clothing, hygiene and sanitation care - and access to support services - case work for mental health, outpatient medical care, and housing partner agencies. 

Member Experiences - Your donation supports Member development and capacity building projects that conserve natural habitats; protect and maintain public lands; support wildland fire mitigation; cultivate individual and community self-sufficiency; provide reforestation service after floods or fires and more. We require support for tools, supplies, training, transportation, and staff oversight to execute these projects while supporting the future career and life development of our Members. 

This pledge helps our organization for three main reasons:

  • Commitment: Making a public pledge helps us live up to our values and stay true to a promise to assist those where it’s needed most.

  • Community: Joining a group of difference makers provides support to follow through with commitments to help others and the organization.

  • Engagement: Taking a public pledge helps inspire others to give as well. Together we can create a world in which giving effectively benefits everyone.

What can I do if I’m not ready to take a pledge?

We’d love to stay engaged! You can sign up for our newsletter, volunteer, attend an event or get in touch if you’d like to discuss a partnership to help the community. Contact Tim Elwell at or by calling 314-772-9002.

This pledge is for promotional purposes to engage our donors in the future.